Senin, 05 November 2012

Giving Instruction

Giving Instruction is an expression that is used in order that other person does what we instruct or request.
            The example expressions of giving instruction :
a.       Open your book!
b.       Close the door, please!
c.        Be quiet, please!
d.       Move the chair!
e.        Open the window!
f.        Pass me the sugar, please!
g.       Stand up, please!

Dion       : Rheina, have you ever used a coin telephone ?
Rheina   : Yes, I have. Why ?
Dion       : Please tell me how to use it
Rheina   : O.K. First, pick up the receiver and put in the money. After that, wait for a dial tone. At last, dial
                 the telephone number. Wait for a while and you’ll hear someone’s voice
Dion       : I’ve never thought that  it’s so simple
Rheina   : It is

Note : The tense used in giving instruction is “simple present”

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